Jeni taught me how to make diaper cakes for people for baby showers. I made one for a girl here at work who was having a baby boy and it was a hit. Today is a baby shower for another co-worker, so I had two other people pool money with me to make this cake.

I found a REALLY cute 10-pack of bibs at Wal-Mart that said cute things like "cupcake", "hottie", "spoil me", "girly girl", "girl power", "lil flirt", "sweet pea".... very cute. I also included two packs of wash cloths that are about 94 cents per 4-pack, three cute onesies, travel-sized baby toiletries, a rattle on top, and a couple of toys. Also a set of two pacifiers that seemed to me to be TOTALLY the mom's style. I was very proud of it. The base isn't as big as I would normally like it to be, but these diapers were smaller than I anticipated although they're size 1.
The plate it sits on is actually a pizza pan, which, to me, is a little gift to the mommy. :) I always love getting new stuff for the kitchen. I put the care instructions under the diaper tower.
I used mini rubber bands to hold the rolled items together. Then I tied each tier with curling ribbon to hold it together. I put pretty ribbon from my scrapbooking stash around each tier, covering the curling ribbon. Each level is tied a different way, which is a detail I think only I would notice, but that's fine.
Someone said I should sell these. I could, I guess, but it seems like a hassle to sell things when I have enough on my plate. I just love making stuff like this for people who I KNOW will appreciate it.
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